Maestro : Leonardo Da Vinci


Leonardo Da Vinci



                       “Learning never exhausts the mind

                                                                     -Leonardo Da Vinci

Da Vinci was not only a renowned artist and a sculptor but also a gifted engineer, scientist, and inventor. He was regarded as one of the great creative minds of the Italian Renaissance. On the off chance that his work had been published in a comprehensible structure, Da Vinci’s place as a spearheading researcher would have been beyond approach.

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was born as an illegitimate son of a notary, Piero da Vinci in 1452, in Vinci, in Florence, Italy. As a child with a great curiosity to explore, Leonardo received an informal education in Latin, geometry, and mathematics. Thereafter young and enthusiastic, Leonardo became an apprentice to a leading Florentine painter and sculptor, Andrea del Verrocchio, and received formal teachings in both theoretical concepts and a vast range of technical skills.



Vitruvian Man                                  Mona Lisa


His renowned engineering works were a design for a flying machine,  aerial screw suggestive of a helicopter, drawings of a scythed chariot, and a fighting vehicle. He had created over 100 prototypes of inventions in his lifetime.


Real-life lessons from Leonardo

In his book ‘How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci’ Michael J. Gelb describes seven principles to Leonardo’s success in the fields of art, engineering, and science of innovation. Those are ;

  • Curiosità: Quenchless curiosity towards nature and the eternal quest for learning new knowledge
  • Dimostrazione: Test hypotheses by ‘trial and error’ method, and pursue to learn from mistakes
  • Sensazione: Sensitivity towards the surrounding
  • Sfumato: Willingness to accept uncertainty and paradox
  • Arte/Scienza: Creating a balance between science, art, and logic
  • Corporalità: Mind and body coordination
  • Connessione: Recognition of interconnections in phenomena


Leonardo was believed to have a curiosity of a small child towards nature and its changes. He died in 1519 at the age of 67, revealing many a mystery in his lifetime.

As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death.

-Leonardo Da Vinci








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